Welcome to Durham Chinese School
Learn a new language, inspire a new thought and open a new world
Located in the heart of historic Durham city, Durham Chinese School (DCS) is one of the most successful supplementary schools in the UK with outstanding successes in educating children in Chinese language and culture and achieving outstanding results in nationally recognised examinations. The school is organised and governed by volunteers in Chinese community to provide Mandarin education, promote Chinese culture for racial harmony, equality and diversity, in the city and county Durham and beyond. DCS remains politically neutral.
The School currently not only offers a full-range of Chinese language classes including GCSE course in order to meet different levels’ students’ needs, but also runs various interest class, such as Chinese calligraphy, drawing and dance studio. It also acts as a cultural and social hub for Chinese and China related community activities in the northeast of England including County Durham, Sunderland and Darlington. In May 2018, our school was honoured the Chinese Education Contribution Award by the Chinese Consulate in Manchester and this makes our school is becoming the centre and the link between Durham and the surrounding Chinese communities.
As the demand for Chinese language education (e.g. YCT & HSK), and knowledge of Chinese culture grows in the UK, Durham Chinese School is fully ready to take on the challenge and is best placed to meet that demand. We welcome children from all School ages who are interested in learning Chinese language and in experiencing Chinese culture to the School. We also welcome anyone who is interested in learning about China and Chinese culture to join Durham Chinese School community. We look forward to hearing from you!


Contact Us
联系我们 [email protected]
Term Opening Time/学校时间:
Sunday 1:50pm – 4pm
School Venue/学校位置:
Elvet Hill House
Elvet Hill Road
Durham University
Find more information about our school:
- School Fees 学校费用
- Curriculum Plan 课程计划
- Term Dates 学期安排
- School Forms 学校表格
- School Policies 学校规章
- School Aims 学校目标
About Us
Durham Chinese School (DCS) is organised and governed by volunteers in Chinese community to provide Mandarin education, promote Chinese culture for racial harmony, equality and diversity, in the city and county Durham and beyond. DCS remains politically neutral.
Our school 2024-25 term started on 8th Sept 2024:

Car parking is only permitted on Elvet Hill Road Car Park and Mill Hill Lane Car Park (by Durham Business School) as showing on the following map.
学校只允许把车停在Elvet Hill Road停车场以及Mill Hill Lane停车场 (归杜伦大学商学院所有),如下图所示:

We don’t have any vacancies at the moment.
Please check back with us later.
现在学校使用杜伦大学的 Elvet Hill House作为教室,面向5到16岁愿意学习中文语言的华裔及其他族裔学生,于学期期间每周日下午提供语言课程和兴趣俱乐部,开设有不同水平的班级。本着提高教学水平的目的,现决定公开招聘有偿中文教师一名。
- 汉语普通话流利标准,基本没有口音
- 能够使用流利的英语交流
- 具有本科及以上学历
- 有一定的教学经验
有意向的申请人请将个人简历发到学校邮箱: [email protected]
Year 2018
The school was honoured the Chinese Education Contribution Award by the Chinese Consulate in Manchester.
中国驻曼城总领事馆授予学校中文教育贡献奖。Year 2012
Dr Mamty Sunuodula was elected as the school header teacher, and the school was relocated to Elvet Hill House, Durham University, adjacent to Durham Oriental Museum.
苏诺博士当选校长,学校搬至位于杜伦大学的新校址,Elvet Hill House, 与东方博物馆毗邻。Year 2005
Entered into partnership with Durham Johnston School.
与杜伦Johnston学校建立合作伙伴关系。Year 2002
Dr Yan Liu took over the running of the school as Head of the school with supports from CANER (Chinese Association North East Region) and Durham Sixth Form College.
刘彦博士担任校长,并得到英格兰东北华人协会和杜伦Sixth Form学院的支持。Year 1998
Durham Chinese School was founded by Dr Jinping Du and Dr WenbinWei.
- UKAPCE (英国中文教育促进会)
- Chinese Language and Culture Education Foundation of China (中国华文教育基金会)
- UKFCS (英国中文学校联会)
- National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (英国国家辅助教育资源中心)